You Are What You Think

CEOThe mind is the most powerful tool in the world.

Before you do anything you think it first. That power that you possess to think and do, to transform your circumstances and character is your Agent. The agent is in control and tells your brain what to do. The brain is merely a tool in the body to get things done in response to your agent.

Imagine you, the agent, are CEO of a large, high scale company. You make the big, important decisions, and give the orders. Instead of going to every single employee to get work done meet and pass information along to your board of directors. The brain is the board of directors. They make sure the work is properly carried out as directed in each department like the shipping department, the financial department, etc. None of these directors can act properly without the CEO’s presence.

As you, the agent, make decisions as the CEO of the “YOU” (or insert your name) company, you are either leading your company well and it grows, expands, adjusts, and improves, or regresses. A common problem you might be facing, like so many others, is that you aren’t a very good CEO. The goods, services, quality and value of your company decline with every bad decision and indecision.

It may be common for you to “check out” for a little bit, as CEO, because everything is hard, it gets stressful and there are major decisions you aren’t sure how to decide. Your being or company, will then start to decline, because the board of directors will have to make decisions on their own without you and they’ll run their own departments out of sync with the other departments, and out of harmony with the company’s vision. We have heard people say, or we have said, something like, “Life is ok I guess. My body seems like it’s just doing what it wants right now, and I keep having this pain here or there.” That is a sign that the employees in that department are having work problems because they need some revisions in what they are being told to do and perhaps even better compensation for the effort. The body speaks to you, as well as the outside world (your customers) in response to your company’s products and services. When you get bad signals like that then you need to assess what you are doing and make appropriate changes.

Because you, the agent, provide the vision, are doing the thinking, the real processing and assessing of what is and what is ahead, you are leading your self to produce the reality of your world around you based upon what you are wanting, value, and desire inside. What you are as the hypothetical CEO, what you think, and thinking leads to action, you are as a person, as a company. What you think makes who you are.

Being is nature of the agent. Who are you inside? What do you value and what are your principles? Are you real, are you authentic to your values and principles? You likely know someone who seems to be so full of potential and fire but they never fulfill it. Such people make you feel to say they are a sad waste of talent. And they are. Those sort of people have principle and values of success but they do not live according to them. That conflict, that contradiction, makes them who they are, the “full of potential but just won’t do anything about it” person. Their company is poor because they talk up to their company about how they will fulfill this vision and then make decisions that that will never get them there.

If you are a poor leader of yourself, you are a poor leader of others. If you are ugly inside then you are ugly outside because your “self” will fulfill those commands to accomplish that vision either by making you become more physically ugly or in usually ugly in personality.

If you recognize that you need to refine yourself to have better thinking, better values and vision then to do say takes learning, studying of those things with careful, repeated, and deliberate actions of thought and body to become what you want inside and out. You must believe and act on the belief that what you want to become is both possible and worth it.